Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How To Buy A Golf Laser Rangefinder (Bushnell Tour Z6)

Bushnell Tour Z6 Golf Laser Rangefinder with JOLT

This golf range finder could be considered the 'middle ground' in the Bushnell line up of products, both in terms of price and functionality. It incorporates most of the advanced technology of its more expensive 'big brother,' while providing more magnification and longer distance accuracy than its 'little brother' in the Bushnell line.

Just like Goldilocks with her medium bowl of porridge, this range finder is 'just right' for many golfers!

The Bushnell Tour Z6 uses eye safe laser technology to provide distance readings and images:
' The range finder is accurate (to within half a yard) between five yards and thirteen hundred yards, including above four hundred and fifty yards to the flags on the greens.

' With magnification of 6X, the hand held unit can be used to view the course as well as measuring distances before your shots.

' Patented Vivid Display Technology provides sharp images with great contrast, regardless of the day's weather and lighting.

' And speaking of weather, the unit is entirely waterproof, so you can use it in the rain without worrying about keeping it sheltered.

' Another patented technology in this unit is the E.S.P (Extreme Speed Precision) with which the device measures distances. Lock in on your visual target (and feel the vibrating JOLT that confirms you are sighted on the pin), press the button, and you have your accurate reading in less than a second.

' This device is entirely legal in tournament play, and you may even have seen pros using it.

What People Like About the??Bushnell Tour Z6

Not many technological devices are as durable as this one. With a housing of rubber and metal, this unit can stand up to whatever treatment it encounters in the course of the game. It would no doubt stand up even to the reactions of a frustrated free online golf games you can play, although that idea doesn't get tested because this device is designed to reduce frustration!

What People Don't Like About the??Bushnell Tour Z6

It is entirely a matter of personal preference, but some people who have opted for the more expensive model over this one have done so because they wanted the slope calculations to be included, along with distance measurements.

If you do need slope assistance, you might consider the other model, but if distance is what you need, this range finder is all you could want.

Some golfers have expressed the concern that using a range finder would point them up as an amateur, unable to assess a golf course with pure intuition. You can put that notion to rest, however, just by watching the pros playing. As mentioned above, the range finder is legal in tournament play, and even the pros are unashamed of putting the technology to use to enhance their accuracy.

Whether you play tournaments or just for fun, the Bushnell Tour Z6 Golf Laser Rangefinder with JOLT will enhance your game dramatically, making it a solid investment in your favorite sport.
This golf range finder could be considered the 'middle ground' in the Bushnell line up of products, both in terms of price and functionality. It incorporates most of the advanced technology of its more expensive 'big brother,' while providing more magnification and longer distance accuracy than its 'little brother' in the Bushnell line. 

Just like Goldilocks with her medium bowl of porridge, this range finder is 'just right' for many golfers! Bushnell Tour Z6??

Whether you play tournaments or just for fun, the Bushnell Tour Z6 Golf Laser Rangefinder with JOLT will enhance your game dramatically

How To Buy A Shredder

It wasn’t until Watergate that most people heard about paper shredders.....

These machines cut or shred any type of paper into tiny pieces or very fine strips, and many paper shredders will even shred computer disk, and credit cards. In the past paper shredders, were only used by companies who needed to destroy classified documents, however today they are commonly used by individuals, groups, and of course companies to protect themselves from important documentation from falling into the wrong hands.

Important documents such as account statements, bills, or other important files are shredded, preventing anyone attempting to read them. The second leading cause of all identity thief occurs because the thief has gone dumpster diving and retrieved either a bill, account statement, or other document that has information the criminal can used to steal someone’s identity.

All important records, files, and documents should be shredded through a paper shredder before they are thrown out to prevent identity theft. Once you have thrown a document into the trash bin, it can be collected by thieves, investigators, or even corporate spies. By shredding, all documents in paper shredders you maximum security. Cleanup is also made simpler because many of today’s paper shredders have their own trash bins. Other types of paper shredders are designed to fit over or beside a waste bin.

When shopping for a paper shredder it is important to know that they are categorized by their size and shape of the shreds that they produce. Below I’ve listed several paper shredders in order of lest secure to most secure.

Strip Cut Paper Shredders use knives, which rotate and cut the paper into long narrow strips that are the length of the sheet of paper. The main disadvantage of this paper shredder is that the shreds are the simplest to reconstruct by investigators, thieves, and/, or corporate spies making this the least secure type of shredder.

Cross Cut Paper Shredders are more secure as they use drums, which contra-rotate and shreds the paper into small rectangular shaped.

Particle Cut Paper Shredders cuts the paper or document into small square shreds.

Granulators and Disintegrators literally repeatedly shreds the paper until it is small enough to fit through the mesh screen, making it nearly impossible for the document to be reassembled.

Pulverizes or Hammer Mills are the most secure form of paper shredder. These enormous machines pulverize the paper into dust, making it impossible for any one to reconstruct the document. These are also very expensive.

Other forms of paper shredders do not actually shred the paper but destroys the documents, file, or paper with the use of chemicals, burning materials or composting materials, which completely destroy the document after it has been shredded.

For private use, the average individual should only require a Cross Cut or Particular Cut paper shredder. However, if you are looking for a paper shredder for your corporation, then depending on the amount of security your business requires you may wish to consider investigating in either a Granulator or Disintegrator.

You have to keep in mind that any undisturbed shredded papers will tend to stay in close proximity to each other unless they have been mixed by an outer force. This makes it simple for specially trained individuals to reassemble the document. If you're concerned about being a victim of identity theft you have every right to worry.  Identity thieves will steal your garbage and apply for pre approved credit cards, auto and even home loans.  This is why you should shred all paper that has your personal information on it.  If you want to learn more about protecting yourself from identity theft, visit www.stopidentityfraud.org to get additional tips.

In addition the Enron accountancy scandal came about, when confidential documents were fed through the shredder in such a way that the printed lines were not at right angles to the blades of the shredder, creating long strips of readable texts.

Another case of documents being reassembled was after the Iranian revolution in 1979. The United States government employed local Iranian carpet weavers to reconstructed documents found in the Tehran US embassy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Cope With Flight Delays (Part 2)

If the problem is with local weather or air traffic control, all flights will probably be late and there is not much you or the airline can do to speed up your departure. If there is a mechanical problem with the plane for your particular flight or if the crew is delayed on an incoming flight, you might be better off trying to arrange another flight, as long as you do not have to pay a penalty or higher fare for changing your reservations. (It is sometimes easier to make such arrangements from a pay phone or cell phone than at a ticket counter.)

If you find a flight on another airline, ask the first airline to endorse your ticket to the new carrier, which could save you a fare increase. Remember, however, that there is no rule requiring an airline to do this. If you are using an electronic ticket, you will probably have to get paper documentation issued before it can be endorsed to another carrier.

If your flight is canceled, most airlines will rebook you on their next flight to your destination on which space is available, at no additional charge. If this involves a significant delay, find out if another carrier has seats and ask the first airline to endorse your ticket to that carrier. Finding extra seats may be difficult, however, especially over holidays and other peak travel times. You may also demand a refund for a canceled flight.

Each airline has its own policies about what it will do for delayed passengers waiting at the airport. There are no federal requirements regarding these amenities or services. If you are delayed, ask the airline staff if they will pay for meals or phone calls. Some do not provide any amenities to stranded passengers. Others may not offer amenities if bad weather or something else beyond the airline’s control causes the delay.

Before you book your flight, you may wish to check the web sites of the larger carriers for their voluntary Customer Service Plans, which list the amenities that those airlines will provide to passengers. Links to those web sites appear on the web site of the Department’s Aviation Consumer Protection Division at.

Contrary to the belief of some, airlines are not required to compensate passengers for “damages” when flights are delayed or canceled. Compensation is required by law only when you are “bumped” from a flight that is oversold.

Airlines almost always refuse to pay passengers for financial losses resulting from a delayed flight. If the purpose of your trip is to close a potentially lucrative business deal, to give a speech or lecture, to attend a family function, or to be present at any time-sensitive event, you might want to allow a little extra time and take an earlier flight. In other words, airline delays and cancellations are not unusual, and defensive planning is a good idea when time is your most important consideration.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

How To Cope With Flight Delays (Part 1)

There are many things that can make it impossible for flights to arrive on time. Some of these problems, such as bad weather and resulting air traffic delays, are beyond the airlines’ control. Others, such as the need for mechanical repairs, cannot be predicted. Nevertheless, you can take steps to reduce your chances of encountering most problems and limit their effects.

When booking your flight, remember that a departure early in the day is less likely to be delayed than a later flight, due in part to the “ripple” effects of delays throughout the day. Also, if an early flight does get delayed or canceled, you may have more rerouting options. If you book the last flight of the day and it is canceled, you could get stuck overnight.

In general, you are least likely to be delayed on nonstop flights. A connection (change of planes) always involves the possibility of a misconnection. On a direct flight (intermediate stop, no change of planes), the second leg could be delayed or canceled. If you choose a flight with a stop or connection, try to select one stopping at the least-congested enroute airport in order to reduce the risk of delay or misconnection.

You may wish to take into consideration the seasonal variations in weather if you have a choice of connecting cities. For example, airports in the south might have fewer winter snowstorms but more spring and summer thunderstorms.

When booking a connection, always check the amount of time between flights. Ask yourself what will happen if the first flight is delayed; if you don't like the answer, pick another flight or ask the agent to “construct” a connection that allows more time.

Certain airports are more congested than others are. Also, flights during peak travel times of the day (e.g., 4:00-6:00 p.m.) are more susceptible to delay. Examine flights to all airports that serve your destination city

Ask about the on-time performance of each flight you are considering. The FAA requires the major U.S. airlines to make this information available upon request if you make a reservation through the carrier. These airlines also make the same information available through their Computer Reservations Systems to consumers booking through travel agents.

The FAA summarizes on-time performance information of the major U.S. airlines in its monthly Air Travel Consumer Report. Much more detailed flight delay information is also available on the web site of the Department’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics. If you are making a reservation close to your departure date, the FAA web site can provide timely information on air traffic and weather-related delays on a real-time basis. You can subscribe to FAA notifications about current delays at specific airports.

Call the airline well ahead of your departure time to check on your flight’s status. If there is a problem, try to rebook over the telephone. While airlines often try to call to notify you of schedule changes, it may not be possible to do so if the airline becomes aware of the delay only shortly before the flight. It is wise to check. Also, make sure your airline’s record of your reservation contains a telephone number where you can be reached, or you will lose any opportunity of being called about a delay or flight change.

If your flight is delayed, try to find out how late it will be so that you can evaluate your options. But keep in mind that it is sometimes difficult for airlines to estimate the total duration of a delay during its early stages. In so-called “creeping delays,” unanticipated developments may occur. Weather that had been forecast to improve can instead deteriorate, or a mechanical problem can turn out to be more complex than initially expected. (Continued in Part 2)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

How to Concentrate in 4 Magic Steps

One of the main problems that deter a person's success is their lack of concentration. Lapses encourage disturbances to get in the way and stall progress. If ones wishes to proceed on their road to success, it is imperative they learn how to concentrate. Here, we show you some easy to learn exercises that are easy to implement.

1) Silence or Noise:
Most people cannot concentrate when it is too noisy, but others work better with music or others in the midst of a crowded room. If you are not aware as yet what best suits you, then try out the different environments. How? Take a notepad and a pencil or pen with you and try and write down a letter in all the three circumstances in a set amount of time. Ten minutes. That is all you will need to determine where your source of concentration lies. How? Check not only for length but also for development as that is more important.

2) Focal Point:
Every morning, before you leave for work or on the way, stare at any object for ten minutes. You can do this while in the toilet, car or bus. You will find this difficult, but whatever happens, do not move your gaze away. Hold it. Wait. And then, as the minutes pass you will find yourself deeply meditating about things that happened to you yesterday or challenges you have to face in a few minutes. Congratulations. You have just conquered the art of meditation.

3) Deep Breathing:
In the beginning, you can do this while staring at the object from tip number two, but if you wish to move towards real concentration, do this separetly. Sit down on the floor. If its hard, place a cushion. Close your eyes. Breathe. Count the number of inhales. When you have reached 100, start counting backwards but this time count the exhales. Mastering this will take you a while, but once you do move on to other kinds of mathemathical calculations such as naming the months of the year from December backwards or alphabetically. After that, make up exercises as you like.

4) Movement:
Focus on an animal: cat, dog or even ant or bird. Follow their every movement as if they exist in a vaccumm. Study every tiny spot on their body. The point of this is to learn how to diversify your concentration in such a way that movement does not deter you from your goal.

Practice the above four tips and like magic, you will start enjoying life to its fullest because you will be able to focus on the things you want to focus on and disregard those that disrupt. Practive the above tips daily and you will be that much more closer to achieving your dreams and goals. Best of Luck!

Friday, November 20, 2009

How to Clean a Dirty Aquarium

A fresh water fish tank requires about 30 minutes to an hour of work a week depending on the size of the tank.

Waht you will need:
1) You will need a clean 5 gallon bucket that has never had chemicals or soap inside of it.
2) A hose or gravel cleaner
3) A bag of natural or synthetic sea salt

I have split the work into two parts the tank which needs to be cleaned ever week on the same day and the filters which can be cleaned every 2 or 3 weeks.

The very first thing you have to do before you start cleaning your fish tank is to unplug your tanks heater if you have one. The heater can not be allowed to be removed from the water while it is hot so make sure to leave it unplugged at least 20 minutes before attempting to remove it. The water help cool the glass on the heater if removed it could crack, or the glass could totally shatter. You should also remember to never stick your hand inside of any fish tank before making sure the heater is not only off but unplugged from the wall. A small crack in the heater could be more then enough to cause a shock to you that can be fatal.

After the heater has ha time to cool you can safely remove the heater from the tank or it the heater is submersible you can just push it down to the bottom of the tank.

Now take any decorations you may have placed in the tank, so all you have are the small gravel at the bottom, this will allow you to get any dirt that those decorations may have been covering up. Now if you do not have a gravel cleaner you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and get your hands wet. You will need to stir up the gravel to get the dirt that has settled between the gravel into the water, and start removing the water into the bucket with the hose. Do not throw out the water you will still need it to clean the filters.

If you have a gravel cleaner, push the plastic tube into the gravel until it hits the bottom of the tank, then start a siphon into the bucket, every second or 2 move the gravel cleaner over an inch or 2 and repeat this process until either you have removed 15 percent of the tanks water of you have cleaned all the gravel.

Now at this point you can clean the Aquariums filters. The insides of the filters are used to grow bacteria, that help break down the nitrites and nitrates that are in the water from fish waste and uneaten food. To make sure we don’t kill all these Aquarium friendly bacteria, we clean the filter materials and sponges in the dirty water that I also full of the bacteria. Take everything out of the filters and rinse them of in the bucket of dirty Aquarium water, then give the sponge a couple of squeezes in the bucket and reassemble the filters, and put them back on the tank.

Now before adding the water sea salt must be added to the tank. All water has some amount of salt in it and to replicate the natural habitat of the fish there must be salt in your tank as well. Add approximately 1 cup of sea salt for every 50 gallons of water.

Now you can add water to the tank, but you must make sure the water is the within a degree or two of the temperature of the water in the tank. A drastic change in the tanks temperature suddenly can throw the fish into shock and kill them or weaken their immunity and help give them a fish disease. I recommend filling the bucket with hot water and checking it regularly till it is the same as the tanks temperature, then slowly add the water to the tank, start the filters and the heater.

Cleaning the filters only needs to be done once or twice a month, but the water in the tank must be cleaned on the same day every week.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How To Choose The Snowboard That’s Right For You

Picking out a snowboard can be difficult because there are so many brands and types to choose from. Three major types of boards are freestyle, alpine, and freeride. When picking out a snowboard, you need to determine what style of riding you are going to be doing, and get a board specific to that type of riding. If you are going to be spending your time in the half-pipe a freestyle board is best for you. Freeride is best if you are going to be making runs down the hill, and alpine will be best if you are up for some high-speed racing.

Another important aspect of picking out a board is making sure that you get boots and bindings that go with the board. Each set up is going to have its own characteristics specific to the type of riding that a person will be doing.

Beginners should start with a freestyle (http://www.mountainsnowboarding.com/freestyle) or freeride board, freestyle bindings and soft boots. This set up is going to give you some forgiveness when learning. Shorter boards are also better for beginners because this allows them to maneuver and steer the board easier. The board should come up between your shoulders and nose. The height of the board isn’t the only thing to consider though.

Flex is another aspect to look at. Heavier riders for their height will want to get a board that is a bit stiffer, and lighter riders will want to get a board that offers more flex.

Also, don’t forget about the width of the board. If you have smaller feet this won’t be as much of an issue for you. However, a person with larger feet needs to make sure their toes (in their boots) don’t hang of their board. If they do, your toes can catch in the snow making it more probable for you to fall. If you have bigger feet, you will need to get a wider board.

When starting out, it is a good idea to first rent equipment, because snowboarding is expensive. Buying the equipment before actually deciding if you enjoy snowboarding can be a waste of money. Going to your local store and talking to the sales people to see if they rent can be the best way to test set ups to see which one is the best for you while you are still learning.

Once you have decided that snowboarding is right for you, and are ready to go and buy your own gear, the best time for you to go is going to be at the end of season. The best deals will come out at the end of the season when stores are trying to get rid of their merchandise to have room for the upcoming season of whatever it may be.