Monday, November 23, 2009

How To Cope With Flight Delays (Part 2)

If the problem is with local weather or air traffic control, all flights will probably be late and there is not much you or the airline can do to speed up your departure. If there is a mechanical problem with the plane for your particular flight or if the crew is delayed on an incoming flight, you might be better off trying to arrange another flight, as long as you do not have to pay a penalty or higher fare for changing your reservations. (It is sometimes easier to make such arrangements from a pay phone or cell phone than at a ticket counter.)

If you find a flight on another airline, ask the first airline to endorse your ticket to the new carrier, which could save you a fare increase. Remember, however, that there is no rule requiring an airline to do this. If you are using an electronic ticket, you will probably have to get paper documentation issued before it can be endorsed to another carrier.

If your flight is canceled, most airlines will rebook you on their next flight to your destination on which space is available, at no additional charge. If this involves a significant delay, find out if another carrier has seats and ask the first airline to endorse your ticket to that carrier. Finding extra seats may be difficult, however, especially over holidays and other peak travel times. You may also demand a refund for a canceled flight.

Each airline has its own policies about what it will do for delayed passengers waiting at the airport. There are no federal requirements regarding these amenities or services. If you are delayed, ask the airline staff if they will pay for meals or phone calls. Some do not provide any amenities to stranded passengers. Others may not offer amenities if bad weather or something else beyond the airline’s control causes the delay.

Before you book your flight, you may wish to check the web sites of the larger carriers for their voluntary Customer Service Plans, which list the amenities that those airlines will provide to passengers. Links to those web sites appear on the web site of the Department’s Aviation Consumer Protection Division at.

Contrary to the belief of some, airlines are not required to compensate passengers for “damages” when flights are delayed or canceled. Compensation is required by law only when you are “bumped” from a flight that is oversold.

Airlines almost always refuse to pay passengers for financial losses resulting from a delayed flight. If the purpose of your trip is to close a potentially lucrative business deal, to give a speech or lecture, to attend a family function, or to be present at any time-sensitive event, you might want to allow a little extra time and take an earlier flight. In other words, airline delays and cancellations are not unusual, and defensive planning is a good idea when time is your most important consideration.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

How To Cope With Flight Delays (Part 1)

There are many things that can make it impossible for flights to arrive on time. Some of these problems, such as bad weather and resulting air traffic delays, are beyond the airlines’ control. Others, such as the need for mechanical repairs, cannot be predicted. Nevertheless, you can take steps to reduce your chances of encountering most problems and limit their effects.

When booking your flight, remember that a departure early in the day is less likely to be delayed than a later flight, due in part to the “ripple” effects of delays throughout the day. Also, if an early flight does get delayed or canceled, you may have more rerouting options. If you book the last flight of the day and it is canceled, you could get stuck overnight.

In general, you are least likely to be delayed on nonstop flights. A connection (change of planes) always involves the possibility of a misconnection. On a direct flight (intermediate stop, no change of planes), the second leg could be delayed or canceled. If you choose a flight with a stop or connection, try to select one stopping at the least-congested enroute airport in order to reduce the risk of delay or misconnection.

You may wish to take into consideration the seasonal variations in weather if you have a choice of connecting cities. For example, airports in the south might have fewer winter snowstorms but more spring and summer thunderstorms.

When booking a connection, always check the amount of time between flights. Ask yourself what will happen if the first flight is delayed; if you don't like the answer, pick another flight or ask the agent to “construct” a connection that allows more time.

Certain airports are more congested than others are. Also, flights during peak travel times of the day (e.g., 4:00-6:00 p.m.) are more susceptible to delay. Examine flights to all airports that serve your destination city

Ask about the on-time performance of each flight you are considering. The FAA requires the major U.S. airlines to make this information available upon request if you make a reservation through the carrier. These airlines also make the same information available through their Computer Reservations Systems to consumers booking through travel agents.

The FAA summarizes on-time performance information of the major U.S. airlines in its monthly Air Travel Consumer Report. Much more detailed flight delay information is also available on the web site of the Department’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics. If you are making a reservation close to your departure date, the FAA web site can provide timely information on air traffic and weather-related delays on a real-time basis. You can subscribe to FAA notifications about current delays at specific airports.

Call the airline well ahead of your departure time to check on your flight’s status. If there is a problem, try to rebook over the telephone. While airlines often try to call to notify you of schedule changes, it may not be possible to do so if the airline becomes aware of the delay only shortly before the flight. It is wise to check. Also, make sure your airline’s record of your reservation contains a telephone number where you can be reached, or you will lose any opportunity of being called about a delay or flight change.

If your flight is delayed, try to find out how late it will be so that you can evaluate your options. But keep in mind that it is sometimes difficult for airlines to estimate the total duration of a delay during its early stages. In so-called “creeping delays,” unanticipated developments may occur. Weather that had been forecast to improve can instead deteriorate, or a mechanical problem can turn out to be more complex than initially expected. (Continued in Part 2)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

How to Concentrate in 4 Magic Steps

One of the main problems that deter a person's success is their lack of concentration. Lapses encourage disturbances to get in the way and stall progress. If ones wishes to proceed on their road to success, it is imperative they learn how to concentrate. Here, we show you some easy to learn exercises that are easy to implement.

1) Silence or Noise:
Most people cannot concentrate when it is too noisy, but others work better with music or others in the midst of a crowded room. If you are not aware as yet what best suits you, then try out the different environments. How? Take a notepad and a pencil or pen with you and try and write down a letter in all the three circumstances in a set amount of time. Ten minutes. That is all you will need to determine where your source of concentration lies. How? Check not only for length but also for development as that is more important.

2) Focal Point:
Every morning, before you leave for work or on the way, stare at any object for ten minutes. You can do this while in the toilet, car or bus. You will find this difficult, but whatever happens, do not move your gaze away. Hold it. Wait. And then, as the minutes pass you will find yourself deeply meditating about things that happened to you yesterday or challenges you have to face in a few minutes. Congratulations. You have just conquered the art of meditation.

3) Deep Breathing:
In the beginning, you can do this while staring at the object from tip number two, but if you wish to move towards real concentration, do this separetly. Sit down on the floor. If its hard, place a cushion. Close your eyes. Breathe. Count the number of inhales. When you have reached 100, start counting backwards but this time count the exhales. Mastering this will take you a while, but once you do move on to other kinds of mathemathical calculations such as naming the months of the year from December backwards or alphabetically. After that, make up exercises as you like.

4) Movement:
Focus on an animal: cat, dog or even ant or bird. Follow their every movement as if they exist in a vaccumm. Study every tiny spot on their body. The point of this is to learn how to diversify your concentration in such a way that movement does not deter you from your goal.

Practice the above four tips and like magic, you will start enjoying life to its fullest because you will be able to focus on the things you want to focus on and disregard those that disrupt. Practive the above tips daily and you will be that much more closer to achieving your dreams and goals. Best of Luck!

Friday, November 20, 2009

How to Clean a Dirty Aquarium

A fresh water fish tank requires about 30 minutes to an hour of work a week depending on the size of the tank.

Waht you will need:
1) You will need a clean 5 gallon bucket that has never had chemicals or soap inside of it.
2) A hose or gravel cleaner
3) A bag of natural or synthetic sea salt

I have split the work into two parts the tank which needs to be cleaned ever week on the same day and the filters which can be cleaned every 2 or 3 weeks.

The very first thing you have to do before you start cleaning your fish tank is to unplug your tanks heater if you have one. The heater can not be allowed to be removed from the water while it is hot so make sure to leave it unplugged at least 20 minutes before attempting to remove it. The water help cool the glass on the heater if removed it could crack, or the glass could totally shatter. You should also remember to never stick your hand inside of any fish tank before making sure the heater is not only off but unplugged from the wall. A small crack in the heater could be more then enough to cause a shock to you that can be fatal.

After the heater has ha time to cool you can safely remove the heater from the tank or it the heater is submersible you can just push it down to the bottom of the tank.

Now take any decorations you may have placed in the tank, so all you have are the small gravel at the bottom, this will allow you to get any dirt that those decorations may have been covering up. Now if you do not have a gravel cleaner you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and get your hands wet. You will need to stir up the gravel to get the dirt that has settled between the gravel into the water, and start removing the water into the bucket with the hose. Do not throw out the water you will still need it to clean the filters.

If you have a gravel cleaner, push the plastic tube into the gravel until it hits the bottom of the tank, then start a siphon into the bucket, every second or 2 move the gravel cleaner over an inch or 2 and repeat this process until either you have removed 15 percent of the tanks water of you have cleaned all the gravel.

Now at this point you can clean the Aquariums filters. The insides of the filters are used to grow bacteria, that help break down the nitrites and nitrates that are in the water from fish waste and uneaten food. To make sure we don’t kill all these Aquarium friendly bacteria, we clean the filter materials and sponges in the dirty water that I also full of the bacteria. Take everything out of the filters and rinse them of in the bucket of dirty Aquarium water, then give the sponge a couple of squeezes in the bucket and reassemble the filters, and put them back on the tank.

Now before adding the water sea salt must be added to the tank. All water has some amount of salt in it and to replicate the natural habitat of the fish there must be salt in your tank as well. Add approximately 1 cup of sea salt for every 50 gallons of water.

Now you can add water to the tank, but you must make sure the water is the within a degree or two of the temperature of the water in the tank. A drastic change in the tanks temperature suddenly can throw the fish into shock and kill them or weaken their immunity and help give them a fish disease. I recommend filling the bucket with hot water and checking it regularly till it is the same as the tanks temperature, then slowly add the water to the tank, start the filters and the heater.

Cleaning the filters only needs to be done once or twice a month, but the water in the tank must be cleaned on the same day every week.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How To Choose The Snowboard That’s Right For You

Picking out a snowboard can be difficult because there are so many brands and types to choose from. Three major types of boards are freestyle, alpine, and freeride. When picking out a snowboard, you need to determine what style of riding you are going to be doing, and get a board specific to that type of riding. If you are going to be spending your time in the half-pipe a freestyle board is best for you. Freeride is best if you are going to be making runs down the hill, and alpine will be best if you are up for some high-speed racing.

Another important aspect of picking out a board is making sure that you get boots and bindings that go with the board. Each set up is going to have its own characteristics specific to the type of riding that a person will be doing.

Beginners should start with a freestyle ( or freeride board, freestyle bindings and soft boots. This set up is going to give you some forgiveness when learning. Shorter boards are also better for beginners because this allows them to maneuver and steer the board easier. The board should come up between your shoulders and nose. The height of the board isn’t the only thing to consider though.

Flex is another aspect to look at. Heavier riders for their height will want to get a board that is a bit stiffer, and lighter riders will want to get a board that offers more flex.

Also, don’t forget about the width of the board. If you have smaller feet this won’t be as much of an issue for you. However, a person with larger feet needs to make sure their toes (in their boots) don’t hang of their board. If they do, your toes can catch in the snow making it more probable for you to fall. If you have bigger feet, you will need to get a wider board.

When starting out, it is a good idea to first rent equipment, because snowboarding is expensive. Buying the equipment before actually deciding if you enjoy snowboarding can be a waste of money. Going to your local store and talking to the sales people to see if they rent can be the best way to test set ups to see which one is the best for you while you are still learning.

Once you have decided that snowboarding is right for you, and are ready to go and buy your own gear, the best time for you to go is going to be at the end of season. The best deals will come out at the end of the season when stores are trying to get rid of their merchandise to have room for the upcoming season of whatever it may be.

How To Choose The Right Sleeping Bag For Camping

How do you make sure that you have selected the best sleeping bag for your camping trip?

What is better:

GOOSE DOWN or the SYNTHETIC sleeping bag?

The last thing you want to happen when you're 20 miles into the woods is to find your sleeping bag is not warm enough.

You will be facing a very long and unrestful night which can ruin your spirits and sap your strength for the next day.

There are several pros and cons to most of the options available in sleeping bags.

A Goose down is very warm. It is lightweight to carry and can be easily compressed for travel and quickly regain form when shaken out. It is by far a better choice for backpackers who intend to carry the bag with them for extended trips because of the lighter weight and smaller packing. However, goose down is also more expensive and losses its insulating properties when wet - a consideration if sleeping outdoors or travelling in inclement weather.

Synthetic filled bags are cheaper than goose down and retain their warmth even in wet conditions. They dry faster than down and are a good choice if travelling by boat or sleeping outdoors on the ground. However, synthetic bags are heavier and larger which can be a downside if you are hiking long distances with the bag.

For the average family camper synthetic bags are the least expensive and least affected by wet conditions. If travelling by car to a campground the size and weight of a synthetic bag should not be a problem.


As with the insulating materials, the shape of bag you choose will depend on your specific needs with pros and cons for each type.

Rectangle bags are most similar to bed sleeping and most familiar to the average user. They permit room for movement and you can easily zip two bags together for shared sleeping. However, rectangle bags are the biggest and not the best option for carrying on extended hikes.

Tapered bags are somewhat narrower towards the feet area of the sleeping bag. This shape provides less freedom of movement but more warmth because of the restricted space.

Mummy bags are the smallest and lightest to carry. They are very snug to the body (as the name suggests) with a hood that can be fitted around the head to conserve the greatest amount of body heat. While the average user may find the mummy bag uncomfortable to sleep in because of the restriction they are the best choice for cold weather camping and long hikes because of their warmth and small size.


Sleeping bags will list the coldest temperature they are suitable for sleeping in. Depending on if you are camping in the summer or colder months you will need to choose a bag accordingly. Also take into consideration if you are normally cold or hot when sleeping and make the adjustments.

In most cases it is recommended to choose a warmer bag since you can always open it for venting if it is too warm. The temperature rating is based on using a sleeping pad under the sleeping bag which conserves body heat from the ground.


If you frequently camp out you may want to consider a liner for your bag which will increase its warmth and can be washed separately, saving your sleeping bag from extra wear and tear.

You can also purchase sleeping bag covers. Some of these can substitute for a warm weather sleeping bag and can extend an all season bag into a cold weather bag by increasing the warmth. They can also provide extra protection from wet conditions and are a good choice for protecting goose down sleeping bags.

How comfortable you are when you sleep will drastically affect your enjoyment of a camping or hiking trip. Saving five or ten dollars at the expense of a good nights sleep will not seem like a good idea when you are tired and cold out in the woods, so choose wisely.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How to Choose Bowling Equipment

When bowling, one must use the proper equipment to achieve the best results. It is a fun game, but having the right equipment is not about taking the fun out of bowling, it is to ensure that one plays with comfort and avoids injuries when playing.

Here are some tips on how to properly choose bowling equipment:

Bowling Ball

Bowling balls are the heart of the game of bowling. Bowling balls can make one's game or break his arms. Make sure that you use the proper bowling balls while playing.

-A bowler must make sure that he is using the right kind of ball. Right-handed players should use balls which are made for the right-handed and left-handed players should use balls for the lefties. There's a slight difference in the distances of the finger holes between the two balls.

-As a general rule, people can use balls which weight up to 10% of their total body weight. A kid who weighs 70 pounds can use a 7 pound ball, anything above that should be replaced by a lighter ball. -One must also assess his level of playing. There are different kinds of balls for different kinds of players. There's the beginner line, the intermediate and professional line. Balls for the beginners are usually easier to handle, the intermediate ones have more power and the balls for the professionals are made for high performance and are usually the most expensive ones.

Wrist support

A bowler may choose to use a wrist support when bowling. This equipment trains the wrist to bowl with the proper form. Using this regularly will improve one's game. The wrist support should fit perfectly and the proper size to hug the wrist. One must not feel any discomfort or pain when using wrist supports.


Having the right kind of shoes in bowling is an advantage. Shoes which are rented in bowling alleys can distract a player because of their improper size. Some rented shoes are itchy and this can further distract the player.

There is other equipment that is available for bowling fanatics:

-Bowling pins -Bowling gloves -Bowling bags

One must remember that having the right equipment is not the key to true success in bowling. Yes, they are tools which can make someone's game better, but bowling requires passion and dedication and one must be able to enjoy the game to be successful in it.

Visit for more bowling tips, games & more

How to Choose Binocular Power

The first step in selecting a pair of binoculars is determining the power you want. Binocular power is represented by two numbers, as in these examples: 6x24, 7x50, 8x42, 10x42, and 12x36. The two numbers are not directly related; the first indicates the magnification and the second expresses the diameter of the objective lens.

-- Magnification --

The first number, which is always the smaller of the two, expresses the amount of magnification that the binoculars allow for. This is an indication of how much nearer the viewed image will seem when looked at through the binoculars. Even though bigger sounds beneficial, this is not always the situation with binoculars. Picking the correct magnification will vary depending on your intended usage.

Lower magnification binoculars—typically those that are 7x and lower— allow for a larger field of view which makes targeting objects far away—like animals, ships, or birds—easier. A larger field of view also makes it easier to follow movement of the object being observed. Since lower magnification binoculars take in more of the scene, they collect more light. As a result, the resulting image will usually be easier to see and brighter even though it is not as greatly magnified. Because of the reduced magnification, they also tend to be less sensitive to movement or vibration. If you intend to be in the field making use of your binoculars without a tripod, this can be a critical consideration. Lastly, lower magnification binoculars are typically able to focus on objects that are closer by than comparable higher magnification binoculars.

But of course, lower magnification binoculars allow for less magnification, and consequently reduced detail when compared to higher magnification models. If you genuinely want high magnification binoculars, typically 11x and above, for your use, make sure you additionally get a tripod or get binoculars with image stabilization. The greater the magnification, the more affected the binoculars are to vibration. Once you starting thinking about 10x magnification binoculars, they will be nearly unusable without an image stabilization system or a tripod. Larger magnification binoculars are also almost always heavy. So if you plan on using them for an extended length of time, a tripod may be a more comfortable choice than binoculars with image stabilization.

As for cost, it's probably not surprising that higher magnification models tend to be more expensive than equivalent lower magnification binoculars. Unless you really want or need high magnification binoculars, a good middle-of-the-road magnification amount is 8x. Binoculars at this magnification level result in a reasonable trade-off of magnification while providing low weight, good brightness, and reasonable cost.

-- Objective Lens Size --

The second number in the power corresponds to the diameter of the objective lens in millimeters (mm). The objective lens is the lens on the front of the binoculars, furthest from your eye. Smaller objective lens usually indicate binoculars that are smaller in overall size.

Binoculars with objective lens sizes of 30 mm and under are usually found on pocket and compact models. While pocket and compact binoculars tend to be lighter and easier to carry, the downside to reduced lens size is that the smaller lenses allow less light into the binoculars. This can result in darker images that are more difficult to see. If you intend to use your binoculars at night, models with smaller objective lenses will not be a good choice.

If nighttime use, or brightness is important, objective lenses that are 50 mm or larger will work best for you. However, binoculars with large objective lenses will most often be large and heavy. If you are going to use binoculars that have large objective lenses, you should definitely have a tripod available, independent of the magnification level.

The most frequent objective lens sizes used are between 35 and 50 mm. Since the magnification level also affects the brightness of the image (higher magnification is darker), the objective lens sizes tend to go up as magnification increases to balance out the lost brightness. For a good general rule, shop for binoculars that have an objective lens diameter that is at least 5 times larger than the magnification. For example, 6x30, 8x40, 12x60, etc. While there are some binocular manufacturers with exceedingly good optics that will result in excellent brightness at a ratio under 5, the safest thing is to stay at or above this ratio for good brightness.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Choose A Kayak

There are many things to take into consideration when purchasing any equipment used for water sports. Am I using this for competitive or recreational use? Will it become obsolete? Will I be using it alone or with someone else?

When choosing a kayak in particular there are many features to consider. One of the first decisions to make is to decide how the kayak will be used. For example, you will not want to use the same kayak in the ocean as you would use in a pond and could even be life threatening.

If you are using the kayak by yourself you need to know that you can comfortably lift the kayak to the height of the rack you will transport it on as well as put it back in storage. If you are purchasing a two person kayak, the same thing applies. Both of you need to be able to easily move the kayak around as needed.

The next concern is storage. Are you going to store it indoors or outdoors? Do you have enough room for the kayak you want?

The next consideration is what type of kayak you are going to buy. If you are looking for a light kayak just to paddle around in ponds and such a small recreational kayak that is easy to pack will probably do.

If you are looking at a little more aggressive kayaking like all day or even overnight tours. You should consider a light touring kayak with at least two hatches. This kayak will be heavier and will probably require two people to load it.

If you are going to get into really serious kayaking for long distances then you will need a touring kayak with at least two hatches. This type of kayak will be longer than the light touring kayak and have extra safety features such as tow lines and will be much safer for ocean use.

As far as shapes and sizes go, there are many choices for you to consider. In general narrow kayaks with a rounded bottom will paddle faster and maneuver better wider and flatter kayaks will be more stable.

There are many materials to choose from for your kayak such as fiberglass, Kevlar, molded plastic, high impact plastic, and wood. For most people the molded plastic kayak will be the choice due to affordability and durability. These kayaks can take a beating and you can drag them over rough surfaces without damage. If you are a competitive kayaker you may want to go with a high impact plastic or Kevlar kayak.

Keep in mind the lighter kayaks made of Kevlar and fiberglass are more expensive to buy and more expensive to repair.

How To Choose A Good Camping Bed

Good Camping Beds

Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. But, nothing will bring that good time to a halt faster than having to sleep on cold, lumpy ground. Being uncomfortable will hamper sleep and make everyone irritable and tired. Using good quality bedding however, will help make sleeping outdoors much more comfortable, allowing a good night’s sleep. You can wake up refreshed and ready to start your day hiking or canoeing or just relaxing.

Sleeping bags are the traditional method of sleeping outdoors, but putting even the best sleeping bag on the hard ground can prove uncomfortable. Using a camping bed in conjunction with a sleeping bag can provide comfort and warmth. Camping beds are sold in outdoor sporting goods stores and can also be found by shopping on the Internet. There are a variety of camping beds available and one is sure to meet your needs.

Inflatable beds are beds that are cushioned with air. These require use of an air compressor or pump to inflate. There are also self inflating beds available which provide convenience but cost a little more. The beds provide a comfortable sleeping area. Some inflatable beds are bulky, though, and may be also be heavy. Because they are inflatable, there is also chance for puncture. Ensure they are used on flat ground with no sharp objects in the way. Inflatable beds come in single sizes all the way up to king size to fit more than one person.

Cots are a great way to stay off the ground. Because they are raised, these are ideal for use in wet weather or cold weather. Adding a sleeping bag on top of the cot will provide warmth and a bit more cushion. Cots are portable and fold up easily to store in small areas. However, they may be awkward to carry long distances. Cots typically are for single use and have weight limitations.

Sleeping mats are foam liners that are set beneath a sleeping bag for added comfort. These mats are quickly becoming standard gear for camping use. The foam absorbs any rocks or hard surfaces that may prevent a restful sleep. These mats come in varying thicknesses and roll up for convenient storage. Sleeping mats are generally easy to carry and are a good option for use when not near a permanent camp site. Smaller thickness mats may provide minimal padding, so it advisable to invest in a high quality, thick mat.

Choose a camp bed with care. Consider the type of environment you will be in and weather conditions before making a decision. If you need to walk a distance from your parking area for sleeping, consider the weight and portability of the type of bed. Use of a camping bed can provide a much more restful sleep than sleeping on hard, rocky ground.

How to Choose a Diving Watch

If you are in the market for a new diving watch, here are some aspects you should consider before you buy a new diving watch.

1. Water resistance.

Obviously, all diving watches are going to be water proof; they wouldn't last for a minute otherwise. But how much water resistance in really needed? After all safety limits recreational divers to a maximum depth of 130 feet, so any diving watch that meets or exceeds 130 feet should be good enough, right? Wrong!

When companies test the water resistance rating of a diving watch, the test is completed in controlled conditions. The tests do not consider any other potential events that could play into the water resistance of the watch. Basically, they tell the resistance to water penetration assuming there is no movement of the watch or the water, at a particular depth. Clearly, these test conditions do not simulate real diving conditions where your watch is likely to be repeatedly jarred. If your watch is hit when it is near the extremes of its depthrating, it may fail.

To guarantee that your diving watch does not give out at depth, make sure you purchase a watch with a depth rating of at least twice the maximum depth to which you intend to dive.

2. The watch band.

For a diving watch there are really three types of bands you should weigh: rubber, titanium, and stainless steel.

If you are thinking about a rubber band, make sure it is actually rubber and not some cheap imitation. Rubber bands are convenient because they are easy to adjust so they can easily be worn directly on your wrist or over your wet suit. One negative with rubber diving watch bands is that they can be sliced; if you take part in a lot of wreck diving, you may want to consider a metal band.

If you would like a metal band, it should always be titanium or stainless steel since these metals are immune by corrosion and rust. Stainless steel has been well tested over the years and it is still an excellent alternative for diving watches. Of late, titanium has become an option. It is stronger than stainless steel and one half the weight. Regardless of the metal selected, make sure to get a wet suit extension so that watch can be worn over your wet suit when you are using one.

3. Analog or digital

Most dive watches fall into one of two categories (although some combine both): analog or digital.

The analog watches are the traditional dial-faced watch. If you are considering this type of watch, make certain it has a unidirectional bezel (for dive timing) and bright luminescence (so that it can be seen in the dark) including on the bezel. Analog watches tend to be nice looking, but they usually have fewer diving-related features compared to the digital watches.

Digital watches almost always offer a slew of sophisticated functions to help divers keep track their dive status. Features such as water temperature, depth readings, separate gauges for timing the breathing mixture in one's tank, and programmable alarms. Many digital watches also can record dive data which can then be uploaded from your watch to a your computer.

4. General Ease of Use

Look for attributes that will help make your new dive watch easy to use in actual dive conditions. Things such as a non-scratch crystal (so that you can actually read your watch), large and easily accessible buttons for use with gloved hands, and hardy construction so that your watch will give you years of use.

Lastly, look at the reviews for the diving watch you are looking at. Looking at a watch in the store or on line, it's really problematic to know for sure how well it will work in the water. By looking into the reviews of people that have used the watch, you will get a much better idea if this diving watch will work for you.

How To Care For Your Favorite Team Jersey

You are a diehard fan. You know all the statistics about every player on your favorite team. You go to every game you can get to, even if it means you have to cross six states to cheer on your boys to victory. You have a room in your house devoted to the team, festooned with every piece of memorabilia you can buy as a tribute to their skill. You even have rituals on game day that must be respected and you actually think that if you don’t keep these traditions, your team could lose the game. You once wore the same pair of smelly socks for half a season because your favorites were on a winning streak. You are a true fan and the only jersey that can touch your back is one that is officially licensed.

While it is admirable that you want quality team wear, it brings about a problem on laundry day. Licensed jerseys are expensive and they are also temperamental when put in the wash. You wouldn’t want any thing to happen to your game day jersey, because that might jinx the team. With the fate of the game in your hands, it is important to pay careful attention to the care that goes into laundering your favorite jersey.

Most clothes will easily survive a romp through the washer and dryer even if it is set at the wrong temperature or cycle, but take no chances with your team jersey. Read the label carefully and do everything that it recommends. If it calls for cold water, by all means, use cold. If it instructs you to dry your jersey flat, don’t you dare throw it in the dryer. Don’t take even a minor liberty with the label directions on your jersey.

When you first purchase your official team jersey, carefully look over any hanging tags before you pull them off and throw them away. Sometimes they include special care instructions and need to be read carefully. If they do contain information about washing your jersey, set them aside or at least wait to throw them away until you have laundered the item at least one time.

Always wash your jersey right away to remove stains like mustard, ketchup, or beer. The longer these stains sit on your jersey the harder they will be to remove. Pre-treat them and then wash the jersey according to the label directions. Some store bought pre-treatment products can be too harsh for your official team jerseys, so homemade solutions like baking soda, vinegar, or plain seltzer are much better options.

When you put your jersey into the washer, make sure that you always turn it inside out. This will help to preserve the life of the numbers and logos on the front and back of the jersey. Whether they are sewn or ironed on, turning the shirt inside out will keep them looking newer longer. There is nothing worse than wearing a jersey that has cracking numbers on the front.

If you are afraid to put your jersey in the dryer, you could lay it flat to dry or even line dry it. If you decide to line dry it, just make sure it doesn’t spend the day in direct sunlight or it could fade. If the instructions on your jersey allow you to place it in the dryer, make sure you remove it as soon as it is done. This will prevent wrinkles and save you from having to iron the jersey. If for some reason you do have to iron your jersey, make sure that the iron you use isn’t too hot and test a small area in an obscure area before you iron the whole thing. If it tests ok, carefully iron around the numbers or any designs on the shirt. The heat of the iron could burn or melt the designs, ruining your favorite jersey.

If you take good care of your jersey, it should last through many seasons of rooting for your favorite team and you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are doing your part as a fan to ensure a victory.

How To Buy Used Metal Detectors

Once you have decided to buy a metal detector, you have to decide whether you want to buy a brand new instrument or a second hand model. If budget is a constraint, a used metal detector will be a better option. If you are wondering how to buy a used metal detector, here are some useful tips, which will guide you in your purchase.

What are the types of metal detectors?

There are various kinds of metal detectors available in the market, meant for different purposes. The most easily available ones are gold detectors, coin and jewel detectors, relic hunting detectors, beach-hunting detectors, and underwater metal detectors.

What are the factors that I should take into account before buying a used metal detector?
Consider the following points before your purchase:

· The amount of usage of the detector: If you plan to use it for a new hobby, choose an instrument offering various features.

· Location of usage: Decide if you plan to use it on the beach, below water or in the forest.

· Decide on who will use it: For a family use, there are detectors with adjustable arm cups and separate pouches to place the electronic box.

· Budget: Compromise on your budget to some extent so that you can buy the one meeting a majority of your needs.

Where should I buy?

A secondhand metal detector is a good bargain for your money. However, ensure you buy it from a reputed dealer rather than from an advertisement in your local newspaper. A reputed dealer will give you a money back guarantee or allow you to exchange your old one. This is because they test and then sell the detectors. If you choose to buy from any other source than buy from a good dealer or from a person you trust.

What are the prices of the used metal detectors?

All-purpose metal detectors carry a price tag of $275 to $700. Underwater metal detectors come at a price of about $500. The secondhand accessories come at the price of $200. But the only drawback is, there is no manufacturer’s warranty but at least buying from a good dealer will provide some safety.

How to Buy the Best Bowling Shoes

A casual bowler may think that all bowling shoes are the same. They are not aware that bowling shoes contribute immensely to the performance of a bowler. If someone would like to excel in bowling, then he/she may want to consider getting their own pair of bowling shoes. Here are some guidelines to consider when buying bowling shoes:

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Article Body:
A casual bowler may think that all bowling shoes are the same. They are not aware that bowling shoes contribute immensely to the performance of a bowler. If someone would like to excel in bowling, then he/she may want to consider getting their own pair of bowling shoes. Here are some guidelines to consider when buying bowling shoes:

1. The price of the bowling shoes should be considered. Prices may vary depending on the durability and brand of these shoes. Prices for advanced and intermediate bowler's shoes may be more expensive than the beginner shoes. An amateur bowler or just a casual bowler, who bowls just to have fun, should choose less expensive shoes. There are shoes that may be purchased for as little as $15.

2. It is very important to select the proper size and the width of shoes. Try the shoes on before buying them. The shoes should not fit too tight or be too loose on the feet so that they are comfortable and provide for mobility.

3. There are also shoes available for right-handed bowlers and for left-handed ones. It is important to determine if the shoes are for left-handed persons if he is left-handed because each shoe in a pair has its own purpose. One shoe is for sliding while the other shoe is for braking. If a person is left-handed, then he should choose a shoe where the right side is for sliding and the left for braking, visa versa.

4. A bowler may also choose bowling shoes that have collars and padded linings or have cushioned insoles. Bowling shoes with these features can provide much comfort for bowlers. The shoes are also used to support and minimize the movement of the feet in the shoes. They will help maintaining balance while sliding on the lanes.

5. It is important to shop around before choosing a pair of bowling shoes. Bowling shoes can be found in sporting goods stores and in the malls. It is recommended that an expert in bowling be asked which brands they have tried and tested.

Bowling shoes are very essential if a bowler would like to improve his performance in bowling. If the budget is limited, he may consider renting these shoes at the bowling alley. Anyone who bowls on a regular basis can save money by investing in a pair of bowling shoes rather than renting them.

How to buy a used car

Think of buying a car as a game of poker, the seller is your opponent he may be bluffing he may not, but just as you would at a poker room in a casino you have to try to read the seller like you would in a poker room in a casino.

Always remember to keep your eyes and ears open, when talking to someone about a used car. Make sure to ask lots of questions.

In a casino you are risking your money, in hopes of getting a big return, but when buying a car you just want to get your moneys worth, you want a car that will be reliable and dependable. You do not want a car that wont start on cold days or that stalls until its been running for a half hour.

Make sure to check the undercarriage and under the hood for rust. To a car rust is like cancer. Once rust is found it will spread unless it is cut off and replaced. Under the car and in the engine compartment you will find some rust it is only natural, but you want it to only be surface rust. This means if you take a wire brush to the rusted area you will brush off the rust and get to clean metal.

Next make sure to check the body of the car, for waves and any bubbling in the paint, this would indicate that the car was in an accident or some rust was incorrectly repaired. It is not uncommon for someone selling a car to have rust spots sanded down and painted over to give the car a fresh look, but what will happen is after a month or two the paint will start to bubble as the metal begins to rust again.

Next, look at the motor and mechanical parts under the hood of the car. The engine should be relatively clean from motor oil. If you see large buildups of oil in an area then chances are a head gasket will need to be replaces because of an oil leak.

All electrical and rubber parts should be checked for cracks. Cracks in rubber parts means that the rubber is old and dried out and will probably need to be replaced eventually.

Make sure to ask the owner if he has all the receipts for any work that has been done to the vehicle.

Another important piece of advice is to make sure to take the car for a good test drive. Do not be afraid to drive the car a little hard with the owner with you in the car, chances are they will understand, if they object then maybe there is something with the car they are trying to hide and you should move on to another car.

Many people will tell you that buying a used car is a gamble but if you take a good hard look at each car, and not get impulsive to buy, you can remove any gamble and guarantee yourself a jackpot of a car.

How to Buy a Snowboard

Buying a Snowboard isn't as trouble-free as it used to be. There are approximately 20 various types of Snowboards. With so many enormous choices, the snowboarder in the present day needs to be knowledgeable, so I put this list together in hopes that How to Buy a Snowboard will be an exciting and pleasurable experience.

There are many different types of snowboards available today. Here are the most common types of snowboards: Freeride boards, Freestyle boards, Backcountry boards, Park/Pipe boards, Kids boards, Women's boards, Boardercross boards and Signature series boards. As you can see you, you have your work cut out for you in making a decision on what board to buy.

Snowboard buying necessitates a few central questions to be answered, but you'll be encouraged in knowing that you, by now, have the answers. Your, height weight, riding style and foot size are the chief features that will classify the suitable width, shape, stiffness and height of the board you'll buy.

Although there are other factors to be taken into consideration, a few of the ones you should be familiar about is your riding ability and riding style. The riding style you have a preference for will lend a hand in determining the sort of board you ought to buy. There are a lot of diverse opinions on the countless riding styles there are but I am going to split them up into three main categories of riding styles.

All Mountain and Freeride style-a freeride or all mountain snowboarder make use of the whole mountain. You enjoy catching air, carving and basically all riding aspects. This is the essence of snowboarding. While a clichéd expression in snowboarding, freeride is still the best way to portray the majority of snowboarders. These riders take pleasure in the whole thing about snowboarding: the imagination that can only be understood sliding the half-pipe, the astounding feel of carving a turn on slopes, the sense of flight you get at lift-off from the big-air jump, and the feel of freedom one gets sliding on new snow. It is still inconceivably first-rate fun on spruced slopes. For next in line we will present the following.

Freestyle or Technical riding- involves mostly jumps, trick riding, rail sliding, grabs, jibbing, spins and tearing it up. Technical freestyle riding is usually set up in the parks or near the halfpipe. For a beginning snowboarder, freestyle and technical boards are the best choice. This style is well-liked among the younger snowboarders. Many of today's technical freestyle riders come to snowboarding with an understanding as a BMX, in-line skater, skateboarder, or other action sports conditions. While the gear specific to this category of rider excels in park and pipe riding, it can also be very adaptable across the whole mountain at less than full-speed. We now will move on to the last category.

Carve/Alpine style-pulls together speed and deep turning and make the most of everything the mountain has to put forward. Alpine riders are repeatedly transitioning from one turn into the next. It is all about hard carving and high speed. Expert skiers who decide to learn snowboarding tend to like the performance of carving boards, although stiffer flex and narrower width can make them intolerant for beginners. These types of riders are recognizable out of the crowd; they are always seen laying a trench in the snow with each turn. These riders "use" a snowboards edge like no others, while using authoritative body movements and gravity as their friend, alpine riders enjoy the sport only when they are attached to the snow.

In conclusion, these are the basics of How to Buy a Snowboard. All the most important issues have been enclosed and hopefully the buying process will be simpler for you.
However please keep in mind that whatever you choose to buy, remember that it is your choice and that nobody has a right to influence you at all.

How to Buy a Pocket Bike

A pocket bike is getting to be more and more popular for people. With so many of the manufactures bringing new ideas to the bike trend, there are so many bikes to choose from to fit your style. When you are buying a pocket bike, you have to do a little research before you agree on one certain kind.

One of the most important facts about buying a pocket bike is to find a high quality product at a great price. You want to get the most for your money and have a bike that will last a long time for anyone to have. There are gas and electric pocket bikes to choose from. You need to determine what style and brand that you want and then do the shopping to find the best prices around.
Do not let anyone pick your pocket bike for you. This is something that you want to use and you should pick the right one for you. You want to check how powerful the bike is going to be. If the bike is for you or another adult, then the more horse power the better. If it is for a child, then you may want to tone it down a little bit more for safety. Think about how heavy the rider is going to be and where they will be riding it. The atmosphere is so important to the size and the kind that you decide on.

Make sure that the bike is made from durable materials and put together in sturdy way. You should inspect the bike thoroughly so that you do miss any imperfections or mistakes. You want your ride to be as safe as possible.

You should also check the store where you are buying he pocket bike. Think about their creditability and how safe it is. If you are buying online, you should do a lot of research on the company to make sure that you are buying from a store that has a good reputation. Also check the return policy of the store where are buying the pocket bike. Make sure that you can return the pocket bike if it does not meet your expectations. You should ask about this policy before you decide to purchase the bike. Understand all of the fees that you may be responsible for if you do decide to return the bike.

Check to make sure that you are allowed to ride the pocket bikes in your area. Do this before you purchase your bike because it may not be legal for you to ride your pocket bike and you will not be able to return it later for this reason.

You will have to decide on the bike that you want. Do not buy one just because it is the cheapest one for you. You should make sure that you are happy with the bike so that you can enjoy as much time on the pocket bike as possible. This is your investment and you will be the only one to determine the one that you want. Once you choose the perfect pocket bike for you, you will have nothing but fun riding it.

How To Buy A Little Giant Ladder?

All of you need a stable, good ladder. It is always advisable to invest in a ladder that will ‘fulfill any challenge’ you take on. If you are looking for the best ladder, Little Giant ladder is the only answer. But which little giant ladder will be most suitable for you? Here are the 8 most desirable tips before buying a Little Giant Ladder:

(i) Construction: - Look for the Little Giant Ladders that are most durable with a longer life span and offer the best value for your ‘hard earned money’.

(ii) Stability: - Ask for the ‘Little Giant Ladder System’ with ‘flared footings’ to allow you remain stable when you ‘climb high’, on the ‘topmost rung’ of the ladder.

(iii) Value: - Find a ladder that will prove valuable to you. Little Giant Ladders have variety of models, so discuss with the shop assistant to know the various types of ladders and the one that ‘fits your needs’.

(iv) Weight: - A ‘professional grade aluminum ladder’ weighs ‘25-45 pounds’ and a fiberglass model will weigh ‘35 to 50 pounds’. Lighter than this range won’t be as ‘durable or stable’.

(v) Versatility: - It is not affordable a garage ‘full of ladders’. Hence, your Little Giant Ladder should serve multipurpose and thus save your ‘money and space’.

(vi) Accessories: - While opting your Little Giant Step Ladder, make sure you purchase the accessories for it. Little Giant Ladder Accessories include leg levelers, wall stand offs and work platforms.

(vii) Origin: - Search for your Little Giant Ladders manufactured in the USA which offers better ‘craftsmanship’ and are of a ‘higher quality’.

(viii) Warranty: - The ‘Little Giant Ladder Company’ should give an ‘warranty’ to the buyer; ensure that you get an ‘warranty’ to prevent you from unnecessary expenses incase your ladder ‘breaks down’ in the first year.

Spare a ‘little thought’ before purchasing your little giant ladder as you are simply not using it to get the job done; you are using it to save your ‘life and health’ as well!

How to Build a Volcano

If you are looking to keep your kids engaged on a holiday, here's how. Teach them how to make a volcano. The results can be messy so be prepared to do the cleaning up once the volcano erupts. But you have the kids to help you out too. So you should look forward to some fun and excitement this afternoon.

If you have some play dough at home or you can buy from the store. You can make your own salt dough by mixing the play dough well. This will form the outer part of the volcano. You could also use a paper Mache technique which will make it stronger.

Get a soda bottle, 2 oz. and place in at the base. Build the volcano structure around the soda bottle. Be careful not to get any dirt at the mouth of the bottle. Mix a cup of water and dirt and then funnel it into the mouth of the bottle. Then pour some vinegar in. Stand back to watch the fun! Your volcano is made and you have made a big mess of things. But the children are happy, aren't they? And they clap in glee!
For a tip, you can decorate the exterior of the volcano if you wish to. But make sure it is dry before the eruption takes place. You can try adding diet coke and mint toffee to the vinegar to boost the eruption.

This messy thing is best done outdoor or in the kitchen where you can clean the floor properly. Warning, you have to go back as you start pouring the vinegar as the volcano will start erupting immediately.

How To Build A Snowboard Jump

Find a hill with tons of snow and follow these simple instructions on how to build your own snowboard jump.

Here's What You Need To Do:

1. Find a location. Preferable somewhere that starts with a nice easy slope and then gets steeper, be sure there is enough run off room for your landing.

2. Break out the snow shovels, there is light weight ones available. Pile up the snow.

3. Snowboards can act as good scaffolding at the front of the jump.

4. Pack down the snow, your board will do best, just hang on to the bindings and start smoothing out with the base. If the hill is steep enough you shouldn’t need much of a lip.

5. Don’t forget the run in...Make sure you have a clean approach. There’s nothing like having to back out because the approach is too rough.

6. The test run. Usually the sucker friend (spends half the year in casts). Fine tune it until you are flying high!
1. Try to hit from different spots and figure out the smoothest landing zone.

2. The best way to learn new tricks is by practice. Just keep hitting them and hitting them. Before you know it you’ll be pulling monster tricks.

3. These instructions are not recommended to use while in resorts as they usually have on hill jumps already built and regulated. Try to find a place away from those sorts of places.

What You Will Need:
• Shovel
• Hill
• Snow
• The Need To Ride

How to Build a Kite

Your Fast Guide to Kite-Building
Here is the easiest way to create your own fun, flyable kite.

GATHER some garden twine; scotch tape; a sheet of strong paper (about 102 x 102 cm,); two strong, straight wooden sticks about 90 and 102 cm and some colored markers.

MAKE A CROSS with the two sticks, with the larger one running vertically and the shorter one horizontally. Tie them together. Cut a notch at the ends of both sticks, deep enough for the string to fit into. Cut a piece of strong which is long enough to stretch all around the kite frame. Wrap the string around the frame, tying it a couple of times through all 4 notches. Complete by wrapping the string 4 times around the top. Cut off the excess. The frame should be tight without warping the sticks.

WITH THE PAPER laid flat, place the frame face down on top. Cut around it (Leave around 2 cm for a margin). Fold the edges over the frame and tape it down so the sail is tight. Cut a piece of string 120 cm long. Tie one end to the loop at the other end of the string to the loop at the bottom. Tie a small loop now in the string right above the intersection of the sticks. This will be the string to which you'll attach the flying line.

CREATE A TAIL: Do this by tying a small ribbon about every 10 cm on the length of string. Attach to the kite's bottom. Finish by coloring the entire kite!
Here your kite is ready to roar in the skies.

How To Better Enjoy The Great Outdoors

5 Tips For Outdoors Life

You love nature and the outdoors life. How can you get the very most from it, though? In a world where there seems to be more concrete than dirt, it can be rather challenging to even get out into the outdoors life. That means that you need to make the most out of what you have to play with. No matter what you enjoy doing; you can do it the best way possible when you take these tips to heart. Your outdoors life can be one of excitement, relaxation and complete bonding with nothing other that the pure air around you.

Tips To Roll With

• Start with having the best products to take with you. Sure, you could go camping with that old tent. But, if you go camping with a new one, which is fully insulated, waterproof and even features an easy set up, there is more time to enjoy the outdoors life instead of dealing with the problems. Do this with all of your leisure products. If you plan to take it with you, make sure it is high quality. You’ll appreciate and enjoy your leisure pursuits much more if you’ve purchased the right quality.
• Be prepared. Sure, it’s the Boy Scout motto but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. The fact is that your outdoors life can be so much better when you are sure that you have all the risks taken care of, as much as is humanely possible. Provide for all the things that you need, in good quality, and enjoy what the outdoors life has to offer you. It’s that simple.
• Take time to play. If you can’t get out to spend some quality outdoors time with your friends, make sure that you bring the fun to your home. While you can’t go hunting in your backyard, you definitely can play a sport. Make life a little more fun and a lot less stressful by enjoying the outdoors life.
• Outdoors life should be something that you look forward to. Make sure it is something that you think about by planning trips and outings into your favorite outdoors life adventures. Plan them!
• Outdoors life can only be better when you do it with friends, so make sure that you spend plenty of it with them.

Your outdoors life is one of many dreams and aspirations. If you plan to enjoy that life, get the best products, a few friends and head out to play. Life is so much better when you can say that you have spent a lot of time enjoying the outdoors life.

How to bet on the SuperBowl

Since the SuperBowl is the last game of the season you have an advantage that you do not have during the beginning of the season.

With 2 weeks to go till the SuperBowl we know that the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears will be the ones representing their divisions in the biggest game of the year.

Many people like to bet on sports to make them more exciting, and the SuperBowl is no exception. It is common for many offices to have a SuperBowl Pool, and it is very common for friends to bet on the outcome of the game with each other, it just increases the fun of watching the game, but how do you know who to bet your money on?

There is no guaranteed way to know who will win without cheating, but comparing the states can help in making an informed decision.

There are many things to take into account:

Some teams have a great passing game; some teams are strongest on the run, so you have to look at whom are they playing and what is there defense best against. If you have a team that has a great running back, and the defense is weak against the run then that is a definite advantage to the team that likes to run the football.

The location of the game is also important the SuperBowl is always played in a Domed stadium so the weather is not usually a major factor in the SuperBowl but, if the stadium has Astroturf as apposed to real grass then that can effect a team, lets say one team has turf in their home stadium and he other team has grass, then this can be an advantage to the team who has turf.

The physical and mental state of the players must also be taken into account before placing a bet on the SuperBowl or any sporting event. Come the playoffs many teams have players on the injured list, but many players will try to come back for the playoffs to help their team, but often this backfires because they may not be playing at 100% and can re-injure themselves so that they are playing hurt during the big game. This means they will not be playing at their best, and this gives an advantage to the opposite team.

The mental state of the players can affect a players even more then an injury can. If a player is playing hurt he still has his head in the game, but a player with marriage or financial problems is not concentrating on the game, they may be thinking of their own problems. This can cause a player to drop balls or make stupid mistakes.

After researching all these issues you will start to form a picture in your head of who is the better team going into the SuperBowl, and this will allow you to make an educated guess as to who will win. Remember this guide will only help improve your odds of winning they are not a guarantee that you will pick all the winners.

How to become a Vegas Showgirl

All of the big Las Vegas casinos put on shows to attract crowds to the casino, and instead of hiring new dancers every time the change the show, they hire full time dancers and these girls are called Showgirls.

If you have ever thought about putting elaborate costumes and dancing in front of crowds every night, then becoming a Vegas Showgirl may be the job for you.

Being a Vegas Showgirl is not an easy job. You must be in top physical condition if you expect to be a professional dancer, and it is important to remember that not everyone will make it, becoming a professional dancer is a roll of the dice, you have better odds of winning an
Online Craps game then making it as a dancer.

There are several things you can do to help improve your chances of getting your carrier as a Las Vegas Casino dancer started:

Dance lessons, if you want to be a professional dancer you have to learn several different styles of dance, and dance them all well. This may be the hardest part to becoming a dancer. This part will take many years and require you to spend several hours a day every day taking dancing lessons.

Physical Conditioning, dancing requires lots of endurance and stamina. Besides the workouts you will get from all the dancing lessons you will take you will also need to work out on your own regularly. These workouts should include aerobic and some weight training.

Weight training should not be done to build muscle mass only for building strength and muscle toning. The best way to do this is by doing high repetition counts of low weights. This method will make the existing muscles stronger but will not bulk you up.

To pursue a carrier in dancing in a Vegas Casinos it is important to target the leg, stomach and back muscle groups. It is from these muscle groups that a dancer moves.

Diet, Dancers are required to be tossed around and lifted into the air, not to mention the fact that most dancers are skin tight and for these reasons dancers must always watch their weight.

Many Las Vegas Showgirls have to get on the scale every week and if they gain weight they could get thrown out of the show. Always remember there are many people that dream of dancing professionally, and the casinos will not hesitate to throw a girl out and replace her for the slightest reason.

Once you feel you are good enough you can start sending in resumes. A resume should include each different style of dance that you know and how long you have been doing it, and it should also include all prior dance experience.

A good way to get experience is to get yourself in as many different things you can. Local theater groups are a great way to gain experience. Getting a job as a dance instructor Is also a good way to gain experience and practice at the same time.

By sending your resume to all the different casinos you can greatly increase your chances of getting at least one audition. Do not expect to get hired at the more popular casinos on your first audition. The bigger Las Vegas casinos usually like to hire girls with more experience, so you will probably have to work as a showgirl at a smaller casino first.

How To Be A Winner All The Way - Hypnotherapy For Sports Performance

Human beings have always been fascinated with sports, and over the years we have had sportsmen and women who have become legends in their own right. Consistent in their performance, with unmoving dedication and perseverance, these sports stars have become icons for future generations. What is it that makes these players so unbeatable? How is it that they can turn in one winning performance after the other in their preferred sport? And is it possible for you to get the winning streak, much like your revered player? The truth is that it is entirely possible for normal human beings to inculcate and develop sporting genius through an ingenious process known as hypnotherapy for sports performance.

Sport is a very competitive field, and in today’s world it means big business. It is important for a player’s success that he or she is in top form all through their careers, but it is not always possible to maintain a steady performance; health problems, lack of confidence, deviating concentration can lead to a player’s downfall. Even sporting greats like Maradona, have faced problems due to dealing with the pressure of being a star sportsman. There is a lot of money being pumped into the business of sports, and most of the competing teams and players go through rigorous training and counseling before a big series. Little is known about the fact, that hypnotherapy for sports performance is one of the much favored coaching techniques which contribute to a player’s winning performance. Though hypnotherapy comes in handy while improving a player’s concentration and focus, it is not much talked about due to the misleading taboo attached to hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy for sports performance is all about increasing a player’s ability to concentrate and focus on the techniques of their game. Through various methods such auto suggestion, visualization and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnotherapy works on a subconscious level to help a player be calm in the face of tension, and give in 100% concentration to their game without being distracted. The ultimate goal for any player is to win the game, and hypnotherapy for sports performance gives them the required edge. Hypnotherapy relieves stress through helping players to relax. When a person is relaxed their minds are clear and they are able to focus better. By focusing better, a player can concentrate on the ultimate goal of winning. Hypnotherapy also uses the technique of visualization to help players strategize better; it allows them to break their winning stroke down to the smallest part and helps them replay it in their minds over and over again. For example, a cricket player can go over his sweep shot repeatedly to memorize every move in his body while he makes it. This will enable him to perform the same shot to perfection in the future games. Hypnotherapy for sports management also helps players to anticipate beforehand the moves made by the opponent’s team, so that they can devise new strategies to handle these situations.

Hypnotherapy for sports management is useful in a variety of games – from golf to cricket, from baseball to tennis; it has the ability to hone your sporting technique effectively. I have dealt with a number of teams and players in my career, and the effects of hypnotherapy on them are very visible. Gone are the mental blocks that cease them from time to time; they are more confident of themselves and their game. And nothing could provide a person with the X factor required for winning a game, than a belief in oneself that they can do it!

How to Act on a First Date

The key to a successful first date is to relax and just be the real you. If you try to act in a way that you think the other person will like, then they may start liking someone who you are not, and in the end you will wind up breaking up and getting hurt, so honest truly is the best policy, and in the end if you are just being you and it does not work you, you know they were not the one for you.

Dating is like gambling at poker, sure a good bluff may win you a hand or two but you are not going to win the World Series of Poker by bluffing, only by playing the best you can. This is no different from dating if you make things up to try and impress this person they are not liking you but are liking the fake you and eventually they will see the two are no the same.

Try to think back to the things you talked about when the both of you spoke on the phone and see if you learned anything that may help you decide where to go for your date, but if you do not have enough information about them to know what they may like you sometimes have to gamble and throw the dice, and hope you don’t crap out.

The most important thing to do on a first date is to have a good time, the bigger a deal you make of it the harder it is going to be and the higher the chances of you making a jerk of yourself. If you are nervous before the date take a few minutes and take a few deep breaths and if this does not help then I recommend you do what I like to do in the casinos when my nerves are bothering me I simply have a drink. The alcohol in one drink will usually calm me down enough to concentrate.

The key to having a nice first date is simple:

Take her/ him to a nice place, quite but not too quiet, you should be able to hear each other but other distractions are also good for those uncomfortable moments.

Do not take her/ him to a place where your friends hang out, this will make her/ him feel as if they are being ganged up on or they may feel out of place and resent you for making them feel that way.

It is very important to have the whole night planned out already before the date and have a backup idea just incase. The tricky part is making it look like it was not all planned. Let's say you decide that you are going to take her for dinner, then after you want to take a walk on the beach do not just say hey after dinner let's take a walk on the beach. I would recommend you wait till after dinner and ask her if she wants to take a walk to burn off dinner and then take her to the beach.

Then when you are on the beach take her/his hand while walking, this makes a physical connection between you and makes it easier later on when you go for your first kiss.

Just remember that dating is a gambling sometimes you are going to get a bad hand and eventually if you play your cards right you will find the right person and win the jackpot.